Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I got to spend some time alone with Josiah today <3 I hardly ever get time for just me and him so we took a little walk around the neighborhood. Here are some new fave pics...


and for good measure...Ella's always in the mood for pics hahaha

Monday, November 3, 2008


Hey, where did my extra hour go?! Ella's been waking up at 630 am thanks to daylight savings/torture parents day! ZZZzzzz. I have so much to do but seriously need a LONG nap.

My family comes in this weekend from VA beach. I am sooooooo excited!!! I love when family comes to visit! We are going to have a mini birthday party for Ella (how is she about to turn ONE already?) and I am going to convince them to move here!

I started my Christmas shopping already and I LOVE it! Its so fun to pick stuff out, especially for kids! I am just so cheery...apparently its an NC thing cause the radio stations here are already playing non stop Christmas music, even though its still hot enough for short sleeves (insert thumbs down smiley here)

Soooo, off to clean!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ella Claire's dedication day

First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my father in law Joe! He turns 60 today! I wish we could be there but I hope he has a great day!

Ella got dedicated today and it was a beautiful service. In our old church, they dedicated each baby one at a time, which was nice. Here, they do a few families at once. However, they have all the elders and their wives come and pray for each baby and their respective families. Then the whole church does a declaration of various Bible verses over the babies. It was really nice! Of course, I was about to die because Ella was sleeping and 30 lbs of dead weight in 3 inch heels is NO fun!

After the service, we just went out to eat and then enjoyed the 75 degree weather (I love to rub it in!)

Anyway here are the photos!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Here are some photos of the kids on Ella's frst halloween. We didn't go trick or treating and Josiah didnt want to wear a we just went out to eat and Ella got lots of attention, which she loved hahaha.

They look so grown in the pics! Can someone tell me where my babies are?! Photobucket